On Saturday, March 15, Dr. William Wright, Professor of Catholic Studies and Theology at Duquesne University (Pittsburgh, USA), introduced and led the exchange on an article by H. de Lubac: «On an Old Distich: The Doctrine of the “Fourfold sense” in Scripture».
The literal, analogical, moral and anagogical senses – according to H. de Lubac – «are not just parts of the same whole: the same realty exists in each of them; it is just that its different aspects are viewed successively».
The interdependence and the dynamic continuity among the four meanings, allows the believer's point of view to be taken: «He receives Scripture from the Tradition and reads it within the context of the Church, because it was given to the Church, it was written within it, under the inspiration of the Spirit».

Those interested in receiving de Lubac's article and Prof. Wright's commentary can request them with an email addressed to: rettore@casabalthasar.org