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Goethe: Summer Session in Val Badia

Iphigenia in Tauris | The Sorrows of Young Werther | Urfaust | Selected poems

As part of the general programme of Casa Balthasar, humanistic formation sessions are held during the summer period. This year, in the frame of the mountains of Val Badia, a reading of some of Goethe's works is planned.

In keeping with the Ignatian spirit of the Casa, which aims to integrate the intellectual dimension with the spiritual, times of study, recreation and cultural visits will alternate, as well as personal and community prayer.

the ability to perceive, evaluate and interpret a form, let's say: the synthetic view, and I owe this ability to see forms to the one who never ceased to see, create and evaluate living forms, emerging from the chaos of Sturm und Drang: Goethe.
Of course, if God himself is not only in the play, but is the director, the form he has set up, the symphony he has performed, the drama he has staged, cannot be presented as something worldly overseeable and closed. That is why theology is even less a science than others, but rather the constant orbiting of the "sacred public mystery"("Heilig öffentlich Geheimnis"). (Hans Urs von Balthasar)


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