Seminar on the first two sacraments of Christian initiation

The subject of the seminar is the foundation, centre and end, ecclesiality, meaning, spirit and characteristic attitude of the first two sacraments of Christian initiation: baptism and confirmation. It is a journey guided by texts from Holy Scripture, the Church Fathers, the Magisterium, H. de Lubac and Balthasar, reader of G. Bernanos.
Commenting on St. John: The chrism you have received from the Holy One, and as his anointing teaches you about everything, and is true and is no lie, abide in him (1 Jn 2:20-27), St. Cyril of Jerusalem teaches:
As Christ was truly crucified, buried, and resurrected, you too, by baptism, in like manner were worthy to be with him concrucified, co-buried, and conresurrected. Thus by chrism. He was anointed [by the Father] with the spiritual oil of exultation, that is, with the Holy Spirit called the oil of exultation because he is the author of spiritual joy. You have been anointed with such a balm becoming partakers and companions of Christ.
Baptism and confirmation as a spirit of childhood and maturity:
The Christian child has to face the world, the sheep has to meet the wolves, and confirmation strengthens him for this encounter. It does not give him a new, different, external hardness as opposed to internal delicacy, but transforms hope, love and devoted faith into weapons of the spirit. (H. U. von Balthasar, Gelebte Kirche: Bernanos)