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Accademia: Current Courses

Second Semester of 2023/24.

Three weekly seminars are being offered:

Maurice Blondel: l'Action

«Whatever our century may have produced in terms of Christian philosophy, the decisive breakthrough towards such a philosophy took place in 1893, when, after a long prayerful struggle, Maurice Blondel submitted his thesis [l'Action] to the almost entirely faithless Sorbonne. Beyond Leibniz, Kant and Hegel, and promoted by all, he found the way back to the primal source of Christian life with unfailing instinct.» (Balthasar) This work is the basis of our course.

Virgil and his main works

«He stands at the centre of European culture, at a point that no other poet can share with him or claim to conquer in his stead.» (T.S. Eliot) The course aims to present and explore some texts from the Bucolics, the Georgics and the Aeneid.

Metaphysics of Saints

In «the metaphysics of the saints, which has marked the whole of Christian thought up to the modern age, including Ignatius, Francis de Sales, Fénelon, Newman ... there occurs a theology or theological metaphysics that is truly at the heart of the problems, both theoretically and as an incidence in the history of the spirit».

Offering a formation at once both spiritual and intellectual, the Casa Balthasar has as a goal to make known and to live the bi-millennial faith of the Church, as well as to familiarize the students with all the questions of the contemporary world. We encourage one another in the constant effort towards an ever more perfect integration of intellectual and spiritual formation, of professional competence and sanctity.


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