Presented categorically below are Balthasar's main works, following the opera omnia used by Johannes Verlag, the publishing house that he founded in 1947. Each of the German titles below is hyperlinked to a custom search in our library's online catalogue, which will provide you with a list of all available translations and editions of that particular work in our library. Unfortunately the mobile version of this page has been substantially modified and does not display the corresponding English titles. For full functionality we suggest visiting the desktop version on your personal computer.

Hans Urs von Balthasar
A formidable theologian and a prolific writer, Balthasar's works are as plentiful as they are profound. His bibliography includes 85 separate volumes, over 500 articles and contributions to collected works, and nearly 100 translations — not to mention the numerous smaller pieces and the 60 volumes of the works of Adrienne von Speyr which he transcribed and compiled himself.
Presented categorically below are Balthasar's main works, following the opera omnia used by Johannes Verlag, the publishing house that he founded in 1947. Each category contains a list of the original German titles (right) along with titles of the corresponding English translations, where one has been made (left). Clicking on the German titles will redirect you to a list of all available translations and editions of that particular work in our library's online catalogue. Unfortunately this page is not well-adapted for mobile.
To jump directly to a specific category, click on one of the menu items below.
An unlabeled menu will remain pinned to the right-side of your screen allowing you to jump between sections and back to the top. If you are looking for a specific title, try using the "Cmd/Ctrl + F" or the "search page" function on your device.
I. The Glory of the Lord: A Theological Aesthetics
(Herrlichkeit: Eine theologische Ästhetik)
2. Fächer der Stile
ii. Laikale Stile
3. a. Im Raum der Metaphysik
i. Altertum
ii. Neuzeit
b. Theologie
i. Alter Bund
ii. Neuer Bund
1. Seeing the Form
2. Studies in Theological Style
i. Clerical Styles
ii. Lay Styles
3. a. The Realm of Metaphysics
i. In Antiquity
ii. In the Modern Age
b. Theology
i. The Old Covenant
ii. The New Covenant
II. Theo-Drama (Theodramatik)
1. Prolegomena
2. Dramatis Personae
i. Man in God
ii. Persons in Christ
3. The Action
4. The Last Act
III. Theo-Logic (Theologik)
1. Truth of the World
2. Truth of God
3. The Spirit of Truth
The Word Made Flesh
Spouse of the Word
Creator Spirit
Spirit and Institution
Man Is Created
The Theology of Karl Barth: Exposition and Interpretation
(Not yet translated)
Bernanos: An Ecclesial Existence
Martin Buber & Christianity: A Dialogue Between Israel and the Church
First Glance at Adrienne
von Speyr
Two Sisters in the Spirit: Therese of Lisieux and Elizabeth of the Trinity
Romano Guardini: Reform from the Source
The Theology of Henri
de Lubac
Tragedy Under Grace: Reinhold Schneider on the Experience of the West
(Not yet translated)
“You Crown the Year with Your Goodness”: Radio Sermons
Paul Struggles with His Congregation: The Pastoral Message on the Letters to the Corinthians
Light of the Word: Brief Reflections on the Sunday Readings
You Have the Words of Eternal Life: Scripture Meditations
Credo: Meditations on the Apostles' Creed
(Not yet translated)
(Not yet translated)
Cosmic Liturgy: The Universe According to Maximus the Confessor
(Not yet translated)
(Not yet translated)
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(Not yet translated)
Origen, Spirit and Fire: A Thematic Anthology of His Writings
(Not yet translated)
The Scandal of the Incarnation: Irenaeus Against the Heresies
(Not yet translated)
Heart of the World
Christian Meditation
The Way of the Cross
(Not yet translated)
Raising the Bastions: On the Church in This Age
Love Alone is Credible
The Moment of Christian Witness
Convergences: To the Source of Christian Mystery
Engagement with God
The Truth is Symphonic: Aspects of Christian Pluralism
The Office of Peter and the Structure of the Church
(Not yet translated)
The Threefold Garland: The World's Salvation in Mary's Prayer
Mary: The Church at the Source
Does Jesus Know Us – Do We Know Him?
Mary for Today
The Grain of Wheat: Aphorisms
The Christian and Anxiety
Who is a Christian?
Principles of Christian Morality
Christian State of Life
New Elucidations
A Short Primer for Unsettled Laymen
(Not yet translated)
The Laity and the Life of the Counsels: The Church's Mission in the World
Hans Urs von Balthasar on the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises: Edited with an Introduction by Jacque Servais SJ
Test Everything: Hold Fast to What is Good [A Conversation with Angelo Scola]
(Not yet translated)
(Not yet translated)
Being Christian Today
(Not yet translated)
A Theology of History
Man in History: A Theological Study
Mysterium Paschale: The Mystery of Easter
Dare We Hope "That All Men Be Saved"?
(Not yet translated)
Unless You Become Like This Child
(Contained within the English publication of Dare We Hope)
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Our Task: A Report and a Plan
My Work in Retrospect*
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* This title is translated from an earlier version entitled Mein Werk: Durchblicke
** Balthasar's bibliography is not translated per se but lists all translations published to date
(Not yet translated)
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(Not yet translated)
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(Not yet translated)
The God Question and
Modern Man